eConnect Newsletter - December 2023

December 1, 2023


eConnect Newsletters

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In this issue:

The Employer’s Christmas Box

Highlighting employer's responsibilities during the holiday season.

As we approach the festive season, employers should take note of several key situations that could impact their employment relationships with staff.

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Build to Rent: Good for tenants and landlords

An attractive proposition for all parties involved.

Recent legislative changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and interest limitation rules in New Zealand directly relate to BTR developments and have created additional incentives for investors and tenants.

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Have you been heard? Make your intention and wishes for your trust known

Ensure that your assets are managed, used, or sold in a way consistent with your intentions.

The importance of strategically planning the right vehicle to both build and preserve your assets for future generations has always been important.

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But we’re friends, we don’t need a Shareholder Agreement

Oh, yes you do.

So why would you need a formal shareholder agreement? The short answer is, because of that very reason – because you are friends.

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What is a private plan change?

Explaining what a private plan change is, and what the process involves.

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) allows for any person to make a request for a district plan to be amended. This is known as a private plan change. During this process, district plan rules can be amended or replaced, and new rules can be introduced.

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